Below are frequently asked questions about the Shenandoah Graduate Application process. If you are applying to a program through a Centralized Application Service (CAS), please contact your respective CAS services or Shenandoah University program coordinators regarding application questions.
Reach out to our Graduate Admissions team!
Monday – Friday: 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. ET
Email: | Text: 540-546-6029 | Call: 540-665-4581
1. Where can I find the online application?
Shenandoah University Office of Graduate Admissions only accepts online applications. We no longer issue paper applications. All online applications can be found on our Graduate Student Admissions page after clicking on the appropriate school or program.
2. How do I access the online application?
After clicking on the specific apply link for your program of interest, you will need to create an account to access the application form. On the right hand side of the log-in screen, you will be able to select “Create an account”, and insert your first and last name, email address, and birthdate. After submitting this information, you will receive a confirmation email to access your account and start your application.
3. I did not receive the confirmation email to create my online account. What should I do?
Please add Shenandoah University ( to your contacts and check your spam folder. We also recommend adding Shenandoah University Office of Graduate Admissions ( to your contacts to ensure you receive important emails about your application. If you are still unable to find the email, please contact your Graduate Admissions Counselor.
4. Can I submit my application before uploading supplemental materials (unofficial transcripts, essay, resume, etc.)?
Yes! We encourage you to submit your application form once all fields are complete and accurate. After you have submitted your application form, you can log into the Shenandoah Application Portal to upload any remaining required documents. Underneath your checklist on your portal, you will see a section to upload your materials where you can choose the material type from a drop-down and then select the appropriate file to add.
5. What transcripts do I need to submit in support of my application?
You will need to submit unofficial transcripts from every institution where you received a degree, as well as institutions where you took classes that relate to your graduate study interests. If you have any questions about whether or not a transcript is required, please contact your Graduate Admissions Counselor.
6. Where do I access my Shenandoah Application Portal to upload my documents?
To upload necessary documents to the Shenandoah Application Portal, log into your account and scroll through your portal to view your checklist, upload materials, and your application summary. If you are not able to select the material you need in the upload section for a document that is “Awaiting”, please contact your Graduate Admissions Counselor.
7. When I try to upload my documents, it won’t let me. What do I do?
If you are trying to upload a document and it will not complete the upload, the document you are uploading may be too large or an unacceptable format. PDF documents are preferred, and you may need to condense the file size. If this still does not work, please try a new browser and check your internet connection. After exhausting these options, please email the item to and we can add it to your application.
If you are unable to select the material you need to upload, we may either require official documents for that item, or we may need to adjust the settings for that requirement. Please contact our Graduate Admissions Office at or 540-665-4581 for assistance.
8. Can I update my documents after I’ve uploaded them?
Yes! If you uploaded a document for a specific requirement but need to provide an updated version, you can upload that document again on your Shenandoah Application Portal.
9. What is the difference between an unofficial and official transcript?
An official transcript is defined as a transcript sent directly to Shenandoah University from the issuing institution. The transmission of the transcript can be electronic if the institution is able to securely email it to Shenandoah University. If mailed, the document must arrive in its sealed, original envelope. Official academic credential evaluations are similarly sent from the credentialing agency directly to Shenandoah University. If the agency includes verified official transcripts with the official evaluation, these transcripts can be considered official transcripts as well. Any credentials submitted by the applicants are not considered official.
An unofficial transcript is defined as a previously opened electronic or paper document that an applicant uploads to their application or sends themselves to the Shenandoah University Office of Graduate Admissions.
Please note: If you will require an F-1 visa from Shenandoah University, we recommend submitting official documents at the application stage in order to expedite I-20 paperwork if admitted.
10. I cannot retrieve an unofficial transcript. Can I send an official one instead?
Yes! The Office of Graduate Admissions prefers unofficial transcripts for initial admission, however, official documents are accepted at any stage and will be required if an applicant is admitted.
11. What if my recommenders are not receiving their invitations?
It is always good to remind your recommenders to submit their required letter and forms. Please be sure to have them add Shenandoah University ( and Shenandoah Graduate Admissions ( as a contact so that they are able to find these emails in their inbox. The email will include a direct link to their individual recommendation form.
On your Shenandoah Application Portal, you can resend invitations to your recommenders by selecting the link to revisit your recommender page underneath your application checklist. If there is still no response, or they are not receiving the automated invitations, please contact your Graduate Admissions Counselor.
12. I’d like to add a new recommender. How do I do that?
It is common that recommenders are unable to write a letter of recommendation. If this is the case, on your Shenandoah Application Portal, you can select the link to revisit your recommender page underneath your application checklist to add new references. If you do not see that link, please contact your Graduate Admissions Counselor.
13. How do I send my official documents such as test scores and transcripts?
All official test scores must be sent from the testing agency to Shenandoah University. Official transcripts can be mailed, or emailed securely directly from your institution to Shenandoah. Securely emailed transcripts can be sent to Our mailing address is:
Shenandoah University
Office of Graduate Admissions
1460 University Drive
Winchester, VA 22601
14. How do I know when my application is complete?
On your Shenandoah Application Portal, you will be able to see when all materials have been received.
15. How long does it typically take to receive a decision after my application is complete?
The length of time varies depending on when you submit your application, and by program. Typically, we are able to provide a decision within three to four weeks, but during heavy volume times, this may increase to up to six weeks. For programs that require an interview as well as committee deliberation, please allow additional time.
16. How will I be notified of the Admission Committee’s decision?
Shenandoah University Office of Graduate Admissions provides electronic decision letters. Applicants will receive an email when a decision is added to their Shenandoah Application Portal Applicants will be able to access the full decision letter, print it, and respond to their offers from their Shenandoah Application Portal.
17. How do I respond to my offer of admission?
If you are admitted to a graduate program, you will be able to respond to your decision from within your electronic decision letter. Please follow the below steps and contact Graduate Admissions at if you have any questions!
- Log in to your Shenandoah Application Portal.
- Your portal will show you information about the application you’ve submitted.
- Click on your decision letter listed in your portal. This will take you to the details of your individual decision letter.
- In your portal, you will see a link and embedded Admissions Response Form where you can accept, defer (if applicable), or decline your admission. Some programs require an enrollment deposit and you can also submit payment within your portal after completing your response form.